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Why vegan?
We all make changes in our lives every day. We are driven by desire, social influence, obligation, pride, awareness, and values. However, for many, making changes to our lifestyles—particularly to our diets—can be daunting. No matter what inspires you—human rights, environmental protection, animal welfare, or personal health—eating vegan supports a better world.
As an ethical vegan (for me, it is about causing the least amount of animal suffering), I could answer the question, “Why vegan?” quite simply with for the animals followed by loads of data showing how billions of animals are treated as they live and die in the animal agricultural industry. But luckily, following a vegan or plant-based diet serves to make the planet and our bodies much healthier too!
If you're not quite there, or even if you are, we should all continue to educate ourselves especially on food issues since our choices impact the world with each meal. Below are some of my favorite resources in support of being vegan.
Farm Sanctuary - Factory Farming
The Humane Society of the United States - Farm Animal Protection
PETA - Animals Used for Food
Mercy For Animals - The Problem
Compassion Over Killing - investigations
One Green Planet - How Factory Farming is Killing the Environment
The Guardian - why factory farming is not just cruel - but also a threat to all life on the planet
Human health
Forks Over Knives - the film, the recipes, the information
NutritionFacts.org - loads of nutritional information
One Green Planet - 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Embracing a Plant-Based Diet
PETA - Animals Used for Clothing
One Green Planet - Why Leather is Disgusting and Cruel
Cruelty-free products
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine - Animal Testing and Alternatives
Pasados Safe Haven - Cruelty Free Products
Recommended films
Local Washington animal sanctuaries